Effective, natural treatments for IBS, SIBO
& Chronic Digestive Conditions.

Gut Naturopath Sydney

The Digestive Wellness Clinic is a Sydney natural medicine practice specialising in digestive
health and the natural treatment of:

Download the Free Guide and discover:

  • The latest research on the causes of IBS.
  • Which foods you should be avoiding (for now).
  • Which tests can help you identify the cause of your symptoms.
  • Easy tips for better digestion.

Book Your FREE Consultation

To learn more about the testing and treatment options available it is recommended you take a free 15 minute phone consultation. During this call you can learn more about the programme and have all your questions answered. This call is to determine if we are a good fit for one another rather than a history or complete consultation. There is no obligation, and no strings attached.

It is quick and easy to book your free 15-minute phone consultation using the online calendar. Just click the button below, choose a date and time convenient for you, enter your details, and Matt will call you at your chosen time.