Effective, natural treatments for IBS, SIBO
& Chronic Digestive Conditions.
Gut Naturopath Sydney
The Digestive Wellness Clinic is a Sydney natural medicine practice specialising in digestive
health and the natural treatment of:

Download the Free Guide and discover:
The latest research on the causes of IBS.
Which foods you should be avoiding (for now).
Which tests can help you identify the cause of your symptoms.
Easy tips for better digestion.
‘I have completed my treatment with Matt and my digestive health has never been better with no signs of any symptoms and I am free to eat anything I want to without worrying!’
‘I can honestly say that I am now cured and no longer suffer from any symptoms. I haven’t felt this healthy for years – I feel amazing! I would highly recommend Matt to anyone who is experiencing poor gut health.’
‘I am over the moon! I am now symptom free and have my life back. I highly recommend going to see Matt.’
Book Your FREE Consultation
To learn more about the testing and treatment options available it is recommended you take a free 15 minute phone consultation. During this call you can learn more about the programme and have all your questions answered. This call is to determine if we are a good fit for one another rather than a history or complete consultation. There is no obligation, and no strings attached.
It is quick and easy to book your free 15-minute phone consultation using the online calendar. Just click the button below, choose a date and time convenient for you, enter your details, and Matt will call you at your chosen time.