Choosing to see Matt was the best decision I’ve made, regarding my health. I was at a complete loss, with terrible digestive problems, pain and brain fog symptoms which were affecting my life, work, and happiness. I didn’t have a lot of faith that I could be fixed, a feeling I’m sure anyone who suffers with chronic digestive issues can understand – it just felt like there was so much going on that it would be impossible to identify and fix a concrete problem
However, Matt’s logical, friendly, understanding and very detailed approach of testing and healing meant that he identified everything that was wrong and how we needed to fix it. I am over the moon! I am now symptom free and have my life back. I highly
recommend going to see Matt.
Sarah (NSW, Australia)
‘I am over the moon! I am now symptom free and have my life back. I highly
recommend going to see Matt.’
I was experiencing consistent, continuous bloating, urgent bowel movements, brain fog, always tired, emotional. I knew something was just not right even though I ate ‘healthily’ and my lifestyle was pretty good, I was always anxious and stressed because of my symptoms and avoided places.
Now after seeing Matt and following the treatments all of the symptoms are gone! We rebalanced my gut flora, got rid of the nasties and boosted the good guys, and I was just more informed on what to look out for with regards to food. It took time and discipline but so worth it! I got my life back plain and simple.
I was so distressed when I first met Matt and was at my wits end doing my own research, attempts to self cure. I remember asking him: ‘so will we just get to a point where I can manage my symptoms?’ Matt gave me a quizzical look and said, ‘No, we’ll sort this’. And we did!
Catherine (NSW, Australia)
‘It took time and discipline but so worth it! I got my life back…plain and simple.’
For years I was struggling with my digestive health. I had pain when eating bloating, cramps and I wasn’t absorbing what I was eating. I tried many different alternative health therapies but none of them gave me lasting results. I was at a point where I felt I couldn’t heal. I thought it would take years, and that I would never be able to eat wheat or dairy again.
After treatment with Matt my digestion is completely different! I can eat moderate amounts of wheat and dairy without pain. All the meals I eat digest easily – I don’t get cramps, bloating or pain anymore during or after eating. My biggest improvement was not having flatulence during the day!
These changes make me feel more confident in myself. I feel that I can wear the clothes I want to wear without worrying about bloating. My energy levels have improved so I feel better throughout the day. I feel more alive, happy and generally get more out of my day.
Matt is so lovely to work with. He is very kind and takes the time to analyze all of your symptoms. The food plan is easy to follow and Matt takes into account your dietary preferences. I had a great experience working with Matt and his support through the whole process will not be forgotten.
Claudia (NSW, Australia)
‘These changes make me feel more confident in myself. I feel that I can wear the clothes I want to wear without worrying about bloating. My energy levels have improved so I feel better throughout the day. I feel more alive, happy and generally get more out of my day.’
I came to Matt because I have Hashimoto’s disease, and I wanted to get my antibodies down (they were well over 1000, and had been for years). Though Hashis is a thyroid disease, I believe the root cause, in my case, has stemmed from my gut. In addition to digestive issues, my biggest symptom was brain fog and fatigue. After a bunch of tests, we discovered that I have SIBO, and Matt set up a treatment plan. Within 5 months of addressing the SIBO, my antibodies dropped to 190 (from over 1000!). If they continue to drop then I’ll be heading into remission, much to my GPs disbelief. My brain fog has lifted, and as corny as it sounds, I feel like a different person energy wise. Matt was the first health professional who helped me search for the root cause of my symptoms, rather than just putting a “bandaid” on them, and I am so grateful for his guidance. I would highly recommend Matt, if you have any underlying gut issues. He might make you give up wine temporarily, but he’s a nice guy!
Indiah (NSW, Australia)
‘I feel like a different person energy wise. Matt was the first health professional who helped me search for the root cause of my symptoms, rather than just putting a “bandaid” on them, and I am so grateful for his guidance. I would highly recommend Matt, if you have any underlying gut issues.’
I went to see Matt because I had reflux, bloating and flatulence. After testing, diagnosis was swift and I was able to take the necessary steps to improve my health. After treatment I have had no reflux or bloating.
I now understand the value and impact of particular foods and my sense of physical and mental well being has been significantly enhanced.
Throughout my treatment Matt was professional and thorough in his assessments and very encouraging of the changes I needed to make to reach my improved state.
Julie (NSW, Australia)
‘ After testing, diagnosis was swift and I was able to take the necessary steps to improve my health. After treatment I have had no reflux or bloating.’
I initially had discomfort in my lower and upper intestine, as well as discomfort urinating. Over a period of months, I felt helpless and worried I might not recover. Matt assured me I would be back to normal and good health. His treatments (diet and herbal antimicrobials) had affect within weeks. The discomfort in urinating become less and less. The stomach discomfort would come and go less, and became less intense. After months of treatment, the discomfort was no more. I was over the moon and in debt to Matt for his counsel. He was always professional, and has strong intuition for gut related conditions. The path to recovery is not short, but it must be taken if you want to restore your gut’s microbiome
Ben (NSW, Australia)
‘After months of treatment, the discomfort was no more. I was over the moon and in debt to Matt for his counsel. He was always professional, and has strong intuition for gut related conditions.’
During a course of Roaccutane treatment I began to suffer extreme side effects which included; severe bloating that never seemed to subside and which became very uncomfortable, loss of appetite, the feeling of being full after a small meal, irregular bowel movements and constipation and a restrictive diet. Although I am an extremely active person i did not feel healthy, the bloating made me feel like I was carrying extra weight and I often felt lethargic. After seeing Matt and commencing the treatment recommended by him I immediately saw results, over the course of 3-4 months the bloating and constipation completely disappeared, i was able to reintroduce all food groups back into my diet that generally I could not eat prior to treatment.
I have completed my treatment with Matt and my digestive health has never been better with no signs of any symptoms and I am free to eat anything I want to without worrying!
I would recommend Matt to anyone experiencing similar symptoms, he thoroughly explains each phase of the treatment, carefully tracks your progress over the course of the treatment, makes any adjustments necessary and is always on hand to answer any questions and is well worth the time and money especially if like me it affects your day to day life.
Meera (NSW, Australia)
‘I have completed my treatment with Matt and my digestive health has never been better with no signs of any symptoms and I am free to eat anything I want to without worrying!’
Recommend Matt to anyone having trouble with their gut and at a loss with unhelpful doctors. Matt gives a highly effective questionnaire to narrow down your symptoms. After being ill for over two years with no answers Matt gave me tests to determine what I had, something no doctor bothered to do previously. The answer ended up being something I had never even heard of. Matt is very knowledgeable and caring of his patients. He put me on herbal medication and a strict diet but all I can say is follow it to a tee – he knows exactly what he is doing. I’m happy to say he helped heal me from the inside out and I haven’t been this happy with my health ever before. Can’t thank him enough. If this sounds like something you can relate to do not hesitate to see Matt!
Emma (NSW, Australia)
`I’m happy to say he helped heal me from the inside out and I haven’t been this happy with my health ever before. Can’t thank him enough. If this sounds like something you can relate to do not hesitate to see Matt!’
I came to see Matt with a long list of symptoms that I intuitively knew were related to poor gut health. My symptoms included: brain fog which consisted of an inability to concentrate, poor memory and a general cognitive slowness; chronic fatigue which consisted of perpetual tiredness and absolutely no energy; chronic stomach pains, reflux and gas; and irregular bowel movements. Overall, I felt physically exhausted and extremely unwell when I first came to see Matt. My immune system was also weak which meant that I was vulnerable to catching any kind of bug going around. After committing to the treatment plan Matt set out for me, which continued over a period of around 6-7 months, I can honestly say that I am now cured and no longer suffer from any of the symptoms mentioned above. I haven’t felt this healthy for years – I feel amazing! I would highly recommend Matt to anyone who is experiencing poor gut health. He is incredibly knowledgeable and uses an evidence based approach to healing. He is able to discover the root cause of symptoms so that treatment can be tailored to combating the problem at its source. I can now move forward with a quality of life that I was unable to achieve – due to chronic illness – for so long and this is something that I am immensely grateful for.
Thanks again for everything. I honestly do feel amazing!
Dennielle (NSW, Australia)
‘ I can honestly say that I am now cured and no longer suffer from any of the symptoms mentioned above. I haven’t felt this healthy for years – I feel amazing! I would highly recommend Matt to anyone who is experiencing poor gut health.’
Coming from a medical background, I took the conventional medical approach when my IBS symptoms, over a number of years, became too severe to cope with.
My General Practitioner and Gastroenterologist led me to the low-FODMAP diet, that is amazing for symptoms but not a long term solution.
Functional medicine addressed my issues with digestion and my multiple deficiencies, but I was still very symptomatic if I strayed from my very restricted diet.
My own research led me to SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth), as a possible cause of my IBS, but I struggled to find a practitioner that is current with all its emerging research and testing.
After finding Matt’s clinic and the 15 min free phone consultation, that he offers, I was hopeful (and correct) that he was the practitioner that could move me forward from my impasse.
Matt is very professional and up-to-date with all of the latest research and treatment plans. My journey to health was not short but Matt was always available for questions, happy to adjust treatment, and always encouraging.
These gut issues can be complex to treat but I am so thankful that I found Matt to guide me through to my current health.
Sandra (NSW, Australia)
‘Matt is very professional and up-to-date with all of the latest research and treatment plans. My journey to health was not short but Matt was always available for questions, happy to adjust treatment, and always encouraging.’
I got an infection in my stomach from something I’ve been exposed to or ate, then my life changed dramatically afterwards!
I used to eat everything & had no problems with food or digestion until this infection, I then suddenly stopped digesting food, it would sit there for days, ferment and cause severe chronic constipation & bloating associated with extreme pain. I couldn’t eat properly which had a significant effect on my personal life, work, concentration & pretty much everything.
I have been to many doctors & done many tests with only disappointment & no improvement. I was desperate & depressed, my life turned upside down until i searched the internet & found information about Matt and the Digestive Wellness Clinic and only then when I started to see light at the end of the tunnel after I was told that I’d just have to live like this, something I refused to believe.
Matt diagnosed me with SIBO and that explained the fatigue, nutrient malabsorption and all the symptoms I was experiencing. Matt put me on a treatment program of natural
supplements and diet that I followed with his support and guidance throughout the journey. I started noticing improvements after about 2 months and after 6 months I could say that I was completely back to normal. Matt was always very supportive & responsive to my queries, always calm, always positive and reassuring. He gave me strength to keep going and complete the journey until full recovery, until i got my life back! I’m back to cycling, I’ve got much more energy now to spend good time with the family, to work properly and do whatever I want!
I would recommend Matt to those who suffer from any gut issue & all those who reached dead ends and tried everything without success. Matt is knowledgeable and experienced, he customises the treatment according to one’s conditions and needs. He is very understanding, caring and a true professional!
Dina (NSW, Australia)
‘He gave me strength to keep going and complete the journey until full recovery, until i got my life back! I’m back to cycling, I’ve got much more energy now to spend good time with the family, to work properly and do whatever I want!’
After receiving treatment and testing from Matthew Douglas, almost all my symptoms have resolved. I did suffer from sudden weight loss, anxiety, depression, disturbed sleep, IBS and many more embarrassing symptoms, my life was in a painful mess, physically and mentally. Matthew recommended I take a comprehensive stool test which I did and the test had proven I had a very bad Candida and Klebsiella overgrowth after a very strong antibiotics treatment a year before for a parasite Blastocystis Hominis and unhealthy diet habits. The Blasto was gone but I had let the bad yeast and bacteria in by killing most of my good bacteria. I thought I would have to live with these symptoms for the rest of my life. The Digestive Wellness Clinic has turned my life around and I have not had this much energy in years along with healthy weight gain that has also improved my gym workouts. The biggest wow factor for me is that I no longer have anxiety or depression which I have had most of my adult life! If I could recommend one thing is that you will need patience and a lot of will power and you will get your life back. I have also been very well educated by Matt on how to live a healthy life with good diet habits and probiotics. I have my life back!!
Nigel (NSW, Australia)
‘The Digestive Wellness Clinic has turned my life around and I have not had this much energy in years along with healthy weight gain that has also improved my gym workouts. The biggest wow factor for me is that I no longer have anxiety or depression which I have had most of my adult life!’
During a holiday in Vietnam 2 years ago I picked up two parasites (D. Fragilis and Blastocystis hominis) which were causing:
- frequent diarrhoea and abdominal pain
- general fatigue
- bouts of a strange tingling/vibration through my body
I had been on a gluten free diet for 4 years at this stage and had been having episodes that were like hypoglycaemia with feelings of extreme hunger followed by sweating/dizziness that were resolved with juice or a gluten free snack bar. Over a period of 18 months my GP and Gastroenterologist had treated me with 5 different courses of antibiotics, most of them combination courses, one with 4 drugs at once which made me feel more unwell than the parasites. These managed to get rid of the Blastocystis but not the D. Fragilis and my symptoms were unchanged. I was feeling really fed up with the ongoing diarrhoea, fatigue and general unwellness. After 6 months of treatment with Matt I am now parasite and symptom free. I have more energy and my partner has commented that the “old me” is now back again. I am no longer getting the strange vibrations or the hypoglycaemic episodes. I’m also introducing small amounts of gluten back into my diet eating sourdough bread with no ill effects. It was a difficult 6 months of treatment as the diet was very restrictive (especially over Christmas), but it was absolutely worth it! Not only have the parasites gone, but my overall gut health is vastly improved. Matt is a great practitioner and I would highly recommend him. His knowledge of gut health is extensive and his treatments work. He is very professional and is a great educator, providing detailed explanations so that you understand what’s happening He’s also really supportive throughout the treatment, responding very quickly to any queries and questions.
Sally (NSW, Australia)
‘After 6 months of treatment with Matt I am now parasite and symptom free. I have more energy and my partner has commented that the “old me” is now back again.’
I suffered from chronic constipation and IBS for many years. I felt very unwell most of the time and very tired. Over the years, I tried western and non-western medicines, and every diet under the sun, to help resolve my symptoms. All with little to no impact. I am super grateful for Matt’s guidance and wholistic approach. His approach is deeply informed and considered. Not long after staring Matt’s regime, I started to feel well and I had energy. Best of all, I was regular again. I now feel really well. I highly recommend Matt from The Digestive Wellness Clinic.
Gabrielle (NSW, Australia)
‘Not long after staring Matt’s regime, I started to feel well and I had energy. Best of all, I was regular again. I now feel really well.’
After suffering from constant bloating, stabbing pain in my abdomen, gas, rosacea and dealing with years of food sensitives, I decided to work with Matt after following his work for sometime. I knew I wanted to feel healthier overall and eliminate the pain and imbalances completely. After Dr.’s tests couldn’t locate an actionable issue for my digestive symptoms, Matt’s recommended tests did. Working with Matt to resolve these issues collaboratively was enlightening and supportive. It was honestly one of the best investments for my health. Recovery after working with Matt has seen me being able to live healthier, enjoy food again with friends and family and envision greater health goals for myself. I have recommended Matt to family and friends and cannot thank him enough for the invaluable expertise and support he provided.
Alana (NSW, Australia)
‘Recovery after working with Matt has seen me being able to live healthier, enjoy food again with friends and family and envision greater health goals for myself.’
My health had deteriorated rapidly, I had no energy, moody,tired,headaches,poor circulation the list was endless. I found it very hard to deal with because before that I was training six days a week and running 10k and 21k races etc.
Matt @ Digestive Wellness came on recommendation to me. After my consultation we introduced a plan of supplements and dietary to work with over the coming months.
Just 2 weeks in I noticed a big change in how I was starting to feel for the better. My energy levels have started to lift again almost immediately, so I was absolutely stoked with that and that gave me the will to push harder towards our final goal of getting me back to where I was before I fell ill. So a little over a year later I have never felt better, sleeping, eating, training again and just feeling so good in myself.
I would highly recommend Matt to anyone! I felt from my consultation the weight of the past number of months had just been lifted because Matt was so knowledgeable about his findings and the plan that was immediately implemented. A massive thank you Matt I cannot thank you enough.
Kenn (Qld, Australia)
Rachel (NSW, Australia)
In desperation, I found Matt and via phone consultations between my home in Queensland and his office in Sydney he turned it all around. Having far more knowledge than anyone else I had seen, he was able to quickly identify I had SIBO (confirmed by a test). His approach was evidence-based, the treatment was specific to the problems I was experiencing, and his support materials were excellent.
Kellie (Qld, Australia)

Download the Free Guide and discover:
The latest research on the causes of IBS.
Which foods you should be avoiding (for now).
Which tests can help you identify the cause of your symptoms.
Easy tips for better digestion.
Book Your FREE Consultation
To learn more about the testing and treatment options available it is recommended you take a free 15 minute phone consultation. During this call you can learn more about the programme and have all your questions answered. This call is to determine if we are a good fit for one another rather than a history or complete consultation. There is no obligation, and no strings attached.
It is quick and easy to book your free 15-minute phone consultation using the online calendar. Just click the button below, choose a date and time convenient for you, enter your details, and Matt will call you at your chosen time.